Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Her Again?

I've not blogged in quite some time.  I'm a late-onset schizophrenic.  I get paranoid at times.  I no longer keep Internet access in my home; I swore off the blog world while I felt cornered & abused.

I've found I miss some of the bloggers, so I started reading again.  I believe I need a little more interaction with people & ideas.  Maybe not ~ time will tell.  Time tells me all sorts of things. Sometimes I listen & sometimes I try like hell not to.

 I'm sticking a small, hopefully not subconsciously paranoid toe into the blog waters.  I don't even remember the ins & outs of using blogger, so bear with me.  Interact with me, or not.  Some days I want the former & some days the latter.

So tell me your last mistake.  Hopefully, this isn't mine.


  1. Just concentrate on the pleasure of writing, and know that it is your facility with words has not and will not ever leave you. And though this is a horrible cliche, it's a true one: "Those who care, don't judge, those who judge, don't care." Also don't take it personally how long it takes to get back readers or find new ones -- it's such a crowed blog-world. But being semi-anonymous might work just fine for you right now. I'm very glad you're back!

  2. Mary! Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. You have no idea how many times I have thought about you in the past few years. I've wondered how you were doing and if we'd ever hear from you. I'm glad you're sticking your big toe in again. Just write if and when you feel like it. We love reading what you write, and I for one have missed you! And thank you so much for the kind words you left for me!! You're a wonderful person too and don't you forget it!

  3. I don't keep track of my mistakes, I make so many of them. I've quit worrying about whether I'm doing right or wrong. I just put one foot in front of the other.

    There is a worry in the back of my mind that I'll get late-onset diabetes like my mother did. So far I'm good. But now I guess I have to be concerned about late-onset schizophrenia. Two things to store in the back region of my brain. Thanks a lot.

  4. still here and glad to hear you are in this world still-


  5. Great to see you back blogging, Mary, and equally great to get a comment from you. I've much neglected blogging this year (focusing too much on Facebook), but may restart once more. Keep posting, and ignore the trolls.

  6. Glad to see you back!! My last mistake was giving my 2 year old his Spider Man fork when clearly he wanted his Minions fork!

  7. Welcome back! Have often wondered how you are and so happy to hear you're writing again!

  8. Mary !!!! Yay! Glad you are checking in!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Glad to see you back. I am just an occasional blogger now.

  11. It's good to hear from you. I think of you often!

  12. So glad to see this. Welcome back. I had the blog Steele Mags and Hairspray.

  13. Mark-Thank you for all of your advice & support, both on the blog & through your kind, brainy, thought-provoking emails.

    Alaina-I looked for your blog when I first returned to reading & could not find it. Could I have a link?

    I'm touched to see so many old blogging friends. Slightly(in a good way)overwhelmed, too. I don't seem to be getting these comments in my gmail. I've been away from computers as long as I have been away from blogging. Very techno behind, so if I do not respond to something, it is because I did not receive it. I am very much interested in seeing how & where all of you are.
    I'm not on FB which seems the place to currently be. For now, this is all I can handle.
    Thank you one & all.
